Sunday, March 28, 2010


This movie is visually stimulating --- and horrible. The acting is awful. The story is boring and overdone. Still, as wasteful as this might be, I'm not regretting the 2 hours I spent watching it. I like watching buildings and bridges fall down. I think this movie might be better the louder you watch it, especially if you took a shot every time the acting got exceptionally cheesy. You'd miss the end of the movie, but there's no real twist there. They all die - or at least most of them.

Being home is good

We're home, grandparent free, and happy as a clam. We're busy, and this is making me think about how much busy is the right amount of busy. We do something outside the house everyday. Seems to work for us, so I guess that's good enough for me.

I love that my kids love each other. I know, it is random, but I thought of it, and I don't typically edit what I write her. Sebastian sings and talks about Karma all the time, and Karma glows when she sees Sebastian. I seriously think that her first word will be Sebastian.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Vacations and childrens' detox

It has been an adventure the last few months! I feel like we're finally getting back to "normal," whatever that is. We took my mom back to my hometown on March 10th. We *finally* returned back to Dallas sans Mom on March 22nd. That's a long vacation. I learned a few things on this vacation.
1. People will actually show up and help you clean up/paint a house.
2. Painting in a poorly ventilated bathroom is pretty darn fun after a while.
3. Your family is really happy when you leave, especially if both children have the stomach flu while you visit.
4. Nothing feels as good as being at home, in your own bed.

More to come, as I have something to talk about. As it stands now I'm purely trying to survive this thing called life.