Monday, August 15, 2011

My expectations

My goal is to blog every day. Of course, the only person who I know reads it often is Austin, with whom I talk to frequently anyhow. But what if someone WANTS to read it? I must be diligent.

I took my oldest to the doctor today. Things went fine, he has allergies and can't hear, but that is nothing new. I thought we had made it without too much dramatics until The Dreaded Blood Draw. Now, does he get upset because it will hurt? Nope. Scared? Nope. It is the blood that helps him play video games. Without those few drops of blood he is nothing. Tragic.

Luckily he has had some food, some milk, and is training his new blood on fine, skilled video game playing. Saved until another day.

Saturday, August 13, 2011


I just got back from visiting with my family. I have decided on certain requirements for any future vacation.
  1. Both David and I will be in attendance
  2. We will plan social/fun activities each day, even if it is just a trip to a park.
  3. Each child will be able to have something fun for them during the trip, with everyone else going along and having a good time.
  4. I will not drive.
  5. God willing, we will not have french fries for every meal.
  6. We will clean out the car thoroughly before and after each trip.
I'm so very glad to be home.

Monday, August 8, 2011


I've decided there are two kinds of playdates. There are the forced, you will play together or else playdates in which the parents have decided the children WILL get along and will like it. Those playdates are stressful, Sebastian typically acts up, Karma is tired, and I just want to leave. Amazingly, you can't make kids like each other. Huh. (Please apply all necessary sarcasm)

The other playdates happen when the parents are relaxed. The parents talk, and parent too, but let the kids figure out what they want to play and with whom. Nobody forces a child to play with another child. The kids are left to figure out social graces (with some guidance as needed) and everyone has a good time.

I wonder why people don't understand this. You can't make an adult like someone and *want* to be around can you expect that from a kid?

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Medicine messes with your head

Hello, dear reader(s)? I hope you're doing well.

I've been on hiatus while recovering from yet another set back in The Great Hip Adventure. But after three months of crutches and two months of my brother living here, I'm back in business. Or at least I'm able to exist without heavy-duty pain pills. It is good to be able to think and feel again. I'm quite enjoying it.

I've learned in this process that the pain pills were affecting more than my ability to think, they were affecting my personality. Someone has said that I was fairly pliable and that I often succumbed to the wants of others without giving it much thought. I believe that's how it was, and I didn't do anything intentionally, but it feels good to be able to think for myself.

I'd like to share more of that thinking by blogging more often. I have no idea if anyone reads this, and it is a mute point because I like writing it. It is my hope that someone reads it and, if they don't find enjoyment out of it, at least they know not to come back. ;-) For, you see, Aubrey is back!