Saturday, April 9, 2011

Date Night

I have been wanting to watch Date Night since it came out. I mean, really wanted to see this movie. There aren't a lot of movies I'd go see in a theater. Less that I'd go to the expensive, new movies theater to see. I would have *gasp* paid to see this movie.

I knew that I had giggled at the previews and advertisements. I wondered if I'd just giggle when those clips were shown during the movie. Nope, laughed all through the movie. Considering some of the content, it was tastefully done, and I would watch 90% of it with my children in the room. There were twists to the movie that kept me interested.

I can say that'd buy this movie and watch it again. Therefore, I give it 4 stars.


I've been thinking a lot about women's right to choose her life path lately. Yes, in regard to reproduction, but also in general. I've been thinking about Third Wave Feminism and how I want to participate in this movement right now. Yes, Aubrey's noggin is movin' and a'groovin'.

This morning I woke up with a friend who's status mentioned the birthday of a little girl. It didn't name this girl, and I know this girl doesn't live with the friend. My friend made the brave and selfless decision to give this girl up for adoption at birth. My friend was a senior in high school.

My friend is so brave. She could've kept this baby, and I know part of her wanted to. Her boyfriend was a dill-weed and she couldn't rely on him. Her mom wanted her to keep the baby, adding conflict to the household. She wanted to do what was best for the baby. So a few weeks after her 18th birthday she made the adult decision to do what was best for this tiny baby rather than what felt right for her. I think that is amazing.

I've also known people who've made the other decision to keep the baby rather than give it up for adoption (or any other, earlier alternatives). One person used illegal drugs in the hopes the baby would miscarry - and the baby didn't. Others did their absolute best, and I know they're raising amazing children. But, here's the thing, it was her choice to keep this baby and raise her. That decision can't be made by anyone else. And we, as a society, need to respect those decisions.

I think about a woman's right to an abortion. I think that they will happen no matter what, that there are ways to lose a baby without a doctor's help (although admittedly riskier), and there will always be shady doctors willing to do it anyhow for the price. But, here's the is HER decision. She lives with the scars of whatever she decides and we as a society need to trust in her ability to make decisions. (Sidenote: we're willing to trust her to RAISE A CHILD but not make any other decision. That seems backward to me)

I am pro-choice. I can't imagine a situation in my life in which I would chose to have an abortion, but I was raised by two parents in an affluent household. Yes, I was with my fair share of boys that didn't give a fig about me. Still, if I had gotten pregnant, I would have been fine. More than fine. Baby and I would have both been taken care of. Now, if other babies joined our family, we would be able to take care of them. I'm not being abused, neglected. I'm blessed to have a body that is able to handle the physical demands of pregnancy. My circumstance isn't your circumstance. That's the part of the debate that seals the deal for me. I wouldn't get an abortion. I'm not you.

People sometimes ask, "But what about your daughter? Would you want her to have an abortion?!" First, I feel the same about both my children. If my son got his girlfriend pregnant, I would support her decision. And I would offer to provide support to Sebastian, girlfriend, and baby. And I would offer to provide support to Karma, boyfriend, and baby. But, it isn't my decision. I trust my children to make the most educated decision they can at the time. Really, isn't that all we can ask of them in any situation?

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Meet Me in St. Louis

I had watched a few hard-core movies lately, and needed something light and with music. Meet Me in St. Louis seemed like a good choice for two reasons. One, I had never seen it before. (*gasp!*) Two, I love flowy skirts.

Aside from the annoying and yet catchy song "Meet Me in St. Louis" I really enjoyed the movie. Predictable? Yes, certainly. Annoying children as comic relief? Of course! Father who believes he is in charge yet Mum is running the show? What family doesn't have that dynamic? I particularly enjoyed the scene in which Ester is beating up her "crush." You know the show will end on a happy note when there is cat-scratching abuse going on.

I wouldn't purchase the movie, but I'd watch it on a lazy weekend.

3 out of 5 stars. (One star automatically taken away because of that horrible song)

My affirmations, partial

Things have been rocky lately. I feel like I'm holding a house of cards that is quickly slipping out of my reach. I'm sad, feel isolated, and unloved.

This is my partial list of my affirmations. I will add on to it, surely as I think of more things I believe.

I deserve to be treated with respect.
I deserve to have friends that I can trust and that I for whom I can provide support.
I deserve to be talked to, I didn't do anything wrong.
I deserve to have a partner who listens to me.
I deserve to take time for myself.
I deserve to have someone care for me.
I deserve to be able to heal without guilt or stipulations.
I deserve to have faith without being told that I am wrong. I have a brain too and I can figure things out for myself.

To be continued...

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Dear John

On the list of chick flicks, this one was near the top. I knew it would make me cry, wasn't sure why, and I was cautious as I watched it....poised for the tears. Those tears didn't come, at least not for me.

I thought the story was good and I appreciate the bit of diversity that was represented in the movie. The character development was close to none however, which is disappointing in general. As I'm sure you realize, one character is in active armed service. The way he was able to return to civilian life, even for a short while, was unrealistically amazing. I wanted more substance from each character throughout the movie.

3 1/2 stars.


I finally watched Precious, after wanting to for a long time. It is a classic chick flick, the kind my husband abhors, so I tend to watch those while he's at work. It saves me from having to hear him groan.

I thought the movie was alright, although it was predictable and had quite a few stereotypes. I hated to see when the characters were being abused, or when they recalled bits of abuse, but overall the movie didn't really move me. Not sure if I'm just not empathetic or have known people who have survived that abuse. Maybe I'm desensitized. In any case, it was a decent movie but not remarkable. It earned 3 stars.
Goodness, I haven't written in forever! How do things like this slip out of my mind? Oh yeah, maybe it is my two spirited children and wacky husband? Or the crazy kitten that is constantly chewing on my toes? Anyhow, I'm back and I hope to write more.

First off, I've been watching a lot of movies lately. (Or at least the first 15 minutes of movies until I get distracted) My hip has been a horrible pain so I've been concentrating on resting and letting it heal rather than useful things like housework. What better thing to do while 'healing' than watch movies. I'll give a few reviews in separate posts.

My son is doing amazingly well in school. He's in the Gifted and Talented program, reading a grade above his level, and the teachers are having a hard time keeping him challenged. He also has a hard time focusing on his work but his behavior seems to be getting better. I'm not sure if it is maturity or the fact that he can sit on his own sometimes, but I'm grateful for the good reports. He is also figuring out a lot about God and faith, pretty cool. It isn't exactly accurate, but fun to hear. (Example: God lives in house #1, God is 77 years old, etc)

My darling daughter is learning more and more. She is supposed to have a vocabulary of 12 words, she knows around 50. She uses sentences. She is walking and running, and has just learned how to walk backward. She loves girlie things and soccer. As a matter of fact, she may be as good at soccer as her brother.

There is more going on in my life, of course, but I think I'll end this with the positives. Life is depressing enough without hearing about my woes. Hope you are well. :-)