Thursday, April 7, 2011

My affirmations, partial

Things have been rocky lately. I feel like I'm holding a house of cards that is quickly slipping out of my reach. I'm sad, feel isolated, and unloved.

This is my partial list of my affirmations. I will add on to it, surely as I think of more things I believe.

I deserve to be treated with respect.
I deserve to have friends that I can trust and that I for whom I can provide support.
I deserve to be talked to, I didn't do anything wrong.
I deserve to have a partner who listens to me.
I deserve to take time for myself.
I deserve to have someone care for me.
I deserve to be able to heal without guilt or stipulations.
I deserve to have faith without being told that I am wrong. I have a brain too and I can figure things out for myself.

To be continued...

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