Saturday, July 24, 2010


Saturday afternoon movie time. Just what the doctor ordered!

First we watched Surrogate. It has Bruce Willis and the robot version of Bruce Willis. He distracted me a bit in this role because he is not as spry and delicious anymore. (Sorry Bruce!) He's still hot but not immediate eye candy. And the robot him had odd hair. Of course, all the robots did, but *my* favorite Bruce 'do is bald. He is a sexy man.

*clears throat* Take 2!

Surrogate is set in the future and is about these robots that people control remotely with their minds. Most middle and upper class folks use them instead of walking around and being themselves out in the real world. Bruce and wife has some marital drama on the side, but really it is about how people aren't going out in the world any more. The robots reminded me of The Sims, which was amusing. There are people that refuse to live around the robots, preferring to live in slums. There is drama involved, and enough of it to keep me interested, but the robots are the main focus of the movie.

Would I watch it again? Yes. Would I buy it? Nope. If someone bought it for me would I return it? Naw, but I'm also pretty lazy.

2 1/2 starts

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